Feb 17, 2010

Wish it was baby weight!

Do you think I could wish or pray the weight off?

No its not baby weight even though Joee is only five months old. For the first few weeks after I had Joee I had 5lbs left to lose before I was back to pre-Joee weight. I was a skinny pregnant woman, pregnant woman all over snellville hated me. I had Joee, had alot of water weight and swelling from the c-section, and had 5 lbs left to lose! Well instead of losing the five I gained about 15 more. I crossed Thanksgiving and Christmas thinking oh I can do what I want, I did when I was skinny in 08. Obviously not. Now I am trying to get inspired to lose the weight, but I am having a mental dilemma here.

For months in 07/08 my BFF Mandy and I ran. We ran/walked 3 miles 3 days a week at a park between our houses. I ate healthy, gave up red meat and fried foods. I only drank two cokes a day (big deal for me) Weighed the most I had ever weighed at the time, and lost only 5 lbs. I was devastated, the only benefit that I knew I had gained was endurance.

Then my ex left me in 2008. I was devastated... for about a week. During that week I wasn't thinking "Oh I miss him" or "I can't live without him" No. I was thinking "Look at me, who would want me" and "Can I make all these payments on my own?". This lead to me working all the time but back then it felt like there was more time in a day. This short time I had on my own I lost 35 lbs in one month. Part of it was I only ate if I was hungry, I worked at least 40hrs a week on my feet, and I ran maybe once a week.

So I look at these two times in my life and that is my dilemma. I tried really hard to lose the weight and lost 5lbs, I didn't really try at all and lost 35lbs. Doesn't seem fair right!

So I have the inspiration to lose the weight, I signed up for Warrior Dash, however I haven't found the drive yet. I work all day on my feet, then I come home and don't feel like stepping anywhere near that treadmill. Not to metion Joee is a full time baby :)

So until I get the drive I guess I will just settle for watching what I eat, and wishing I was back to pre-Joee weight. (Don't think I will take up God's time with praying to be skinny!! But maybe healthy??)

1 comment:

  1. Here from Friday Follow. Weight loss is obnoxious like that. My bub is doing Warrior Dash here in Dallas, and I am excited to cheer him on. I am following you from Friday Follow, love you blog so far! My twin sis and I are blogging about our weight loss:
