Feb 7, 2010

Not Me Monday

I did NOT go blog surfing and find an adorable hat that I wanted for Joee. I did not get all excited that it was only $2.50 on Etsy. I did NOT buy the item like it was the last one on the shelf, only to find out that it is a crochet pattern, so I will NOT be gettin the hat, literally, just some paper that I do NOT know how to use :( I did NOT demand that my MIL Gina do it for me :)


I did NOT start laughing when I saw this. This is NOT a banana peel... on the sidewalk... and I certainly did NOT picture joggers falling on themselves. lol. My husband did NOT think I was "corny". I did NOT reply "well you like Billy Madison, and the O'Doodles (I know) drive off a cliff because of one!"


Mom and I have NOT become so cheap that we fight over coupons. Kroger use to send ME coupons to HER house, and I would NEVER give her lip about how they were MINE. Well Kroger did NOT change their mind and start mailing it to MOM! Mom would NEVER rub that in my face!!


Max and I did NOT find enjoyment in watching the crazy Iranian arsonist set fire to his grass last week. The arsonist did NOT accidently let his neighbor’s yard catch on fire after he thought his was out. I did NOT lose in a vote on who had to run up his GINORMOUS hill to tell him. He did NOT walk in a circle with a water can to put the fire out, then the neighbor came out and let the arsonist finish his work and he lit up the rest of the guys yard so it would match! lol.

Crazy Iranian Arsonist's house
Poor Neighbors Yard (Notice the circle of grass in the picture!)
(Notice the circle of grass in the picture!)

Joee has NOT decided to hold her own bottle WITH HER FEET. While I didn't get a good picture of it, since she is a ham for the camera, I did get some cute photos!


1 comment:

  1. your daughter is super cute and I totally love that hat! i probably would have done the same thing...

    thanks for letting us visit!

