Apr 13, 2010

Stay at Home Mommy

First let me say... I cant believe I forgot to post a Not Me Monday!! I blame it on the Wii Fit, I logged almost 2 hours on that thing yesterday!

Down to the meaning of this post.

I want to be a stay at home mom. Right now I work as a waitress, 5 days a week, I make awesome money, but I want to stay home and go back to school online.

Joee is growing so fast! I feel like its all going to be gone in a second!

I want to work 2 or 3 days at work to get out of the house, then take online classes to get another Bachelors’ degree, this time in something more useful, education. So I can become a teacher while Joee is still young and start teaching when she gets in to school. I might have to start before she gets in to school, since it will prob be a 2 year program for me since I already have one degree (that I'm NOT using!)

Waiting tables is like a game to me. I test myself to see how fast I can do something or how many tables I can take care of at once, or how much money I can make... however its getting old, or its gotten old, and I don't want to do this my whole life!

Don't get me wrong there are some wonderful women that I work with that make this a career, Jean specifically whom is my best friend. But I see how much she hates it every day, and its not the job per say its the darn changing everything every day. Jean is a women of routine. And every time we get a new manager, even worse a new General Manager, EVERYTHING changes. They all think they "know" better, when they have never really waited tables a day in their life. Its always stressful and we get new managers ALL THE TIME. They are always quiting or getting fired or transferred...

I know teaching will be stressful and take up more time, but at least I will come home feeling accomplished!

Now I know what I want, but the question is how do I get it, I need to find a school excepted by the state of Georgia that I can take online... I need to apply for financial aid, I need to apply to the school, I need to see which credits would transfer.... Got a lot to do, and feel like I need help doing it, I get lost in all the FAKE stuff online!


  1. I know there are good online programs, but I get confused too not wanting to do anything "fake" or not credited... If u need help with anything I might know about, just ask! If I don't get into the UGA program, I might be looking for a new online program too!

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