Mar 8, 2010

Not Me Monday

Joee has NOT decided rolling over and over and over is fun... she did NOT try and roll off of our bed. I am NOT terrified of this, and I did NOT yell at (poor sweet) Maxwell for sitting beside her and not watching her close enough.

Max and I did NOT celebrate our 1 year anniversary. I did NOT make Max a really cute coupon book along with a poem. I was trying to stick with the "paper 1 year gift theme"

He did NOT not get me anything. He would NEVER just absolute suck and not even get me a card. He did NOT proceed to stay in the dog house all weekend. I was NOT expecting much, I mean come on it was a paper theme, and my husband does NOT usually get me the cutest cards and write the cutest things in them (mothers day and valentines he did not disappoint) I was NOT so upset that he didn't even try that we didn't even go to our dinner reservations. We were NOT suppose to go to an all you can eat chocolate buffet. I am NOT mad at myself for not going either. Oh, and he can NOT say he forgot, because I purposely gave him his at midnight of our anniversary, and that gave him all of Friday to find/make SOMETHING PAPER.

My husband is NOT a total TURD!!!

Whoo now that that is over with...

Joee has not become such a good sitter that she rode in the shopping cart without a carseat sitting all by herself. She did NOT love it, and she certainly did NOT flirt with everyone we went by. No not my baby Joee, she would NEVER be the center of attention :) Oh and we so weren't at JoAnn's either.

Then we did not take her to Petco, as a test run to take her to the Ga Aquarium. She loves Aquariums, and we are thinking we are going there for her 1st birthday!

She would NEVER try and beat the fish through the glass though.

I have NOT wrote and made several crafts for my blog that I have neglected to finish and post. I do NOT hope to get caught up soon.


  1. awww, that is such a cute pic in the buggy =)

    Don't worry, I have asked Dave for us to go on a little trip or something every year for our anniversary and it will be 6 years in July. haven't done it once... he does at least get a card though, shame on Max!!! =)

  2. Joee does look like she was having fun! shes so cute.

    Maybe Max thought that the Disney trip was the anniversary gift??? Simon hates getting me cards... but since I always get him one he has finally given in this year Valentines day... what after almost 5 years of being married hes just now getting it. I think guys don't understand that even the little things matter to us girls. Max should catch on.... you just might be waiting a while. Guys have no common sense! =) lol
