Jul 23, 2010

Cheryl McCullough Photography

So I have started my own photography buisness.

Right now I am doing some freebies :) just so I can get some footing and a portfolio under me, before I feel comfortable taking peoples money!

I have been working hard on my facebook fan page, schedualing upcoming photoshoots with friend, or friends of friends of friends :) And I am looking at buying myself a website and Bludomain.com (directed there by one very savy Brad Harris)

Here are some of the photos from my portfolio so far!

Jul 15, 2010

NOT my baby NO way!

My sweet little lady bug would NEVER be in love with Coke. Not to sure if she likes Coke because she sees mommy drink it, or because I have let her try it out before.

But MY sweet cuddly little 10 month old would NEVER crawl all the way over to the baby gate

stand up

reach over the gate and in to the trash can

pull out an old Coke can that is crushed

and start trying to drink it.

NOPE not my little girl! (we usually leave trash eating to her cousin Reese :)

Mom would NEVER take a picture to prove it!!

The next week, while in the care of her Daddy and her Lovie (Grandma Gina's name) She would never watch her Dad put his empty Coke can in the trash. Wait till the adults start talking and not really looking at her.

Crawl over to the little trash can

get the Coke out

and attempt to drink AGAIN!

NOPE its not official! She is NOT a Coke addict.

Dad would never send Mom this picture from work!!

At least its not food...


Jul 7, 2010

June NOT in Rewind!!

June NOT in Rewind! June did NOT end with Joee baby sitting her fur cousins! They were NOT all really sweet to her, just like they are to their brother Trent :)
Joee has been NOT trying to feed her self, she WASN'T very proud of the mess she made!
Joee did NOT brush her teeth for the 1st time! Here we are, and we are NOT showing off our teeth!

And I seriously still can not believe she let me brush it!

I did NOT get to take some pictures of some of our friends at the park. I did NOT really like the way they turned out too!
Here are some of the pictures from my session with Rachel and Chris.

This one is NOT my favorite!

Joee has NOT decided now that she loves bathtime! But she seriously does not like the bath part of bathtime, only the toy part. Joee does NOT think bathtime is playtime with water!

We did NOT actually make friends this month that we hang out with. I diffently did NOT talk the boys into playing our Just Dance game. It was NOT funny, and we did NOT have a good time. I also would NEVER catch the boys doing some of the dances while we were at the lazer show.....

We did NOT have a group of friends over to our house for burgers and games. We did NOT have a blast playing Dirt and Pass the Popcorn. Joee did NOT try to stay up late and hang out with everyone...

Maxwell would NEVER EVER scorch I mean BURN the burgers till they resembled charcole.

This is a few of our friends playing games.... Dont stress Rachel, you just suck at Pass the Popcorn :)

Joee would NEVER look this cute!!! Josh would NEVER hold Joee for a long time. He was NOT good with babies!

My best friend Krystle did NOT move back to Georgia. This has NOT been totally awesome. I have NOT loved seeing her more often. I did NOT miss her, and I seriously did not realize how much I did!

This is NOT the 1st picture of Joee's little tooth ... see the white!

We did NOT run in the Swat Trot, Max did NOT get 2nd in his age division! I was NOT proud of him, and me as well for finishing! We do NOT look like total dorks!

Max, Joee, and I did NOT go support a group of troops coming home. They did NOT have a parade, and I did NOT cry!

Joee did NOT love waving the flag! This is the best picture Max took of the troops, we were to busy clapping as they passed!

This is NOT me and Joee waiting on them to get there!

Joee did NOT go to the lazer show with Max and I. She did NOT love playing with a glowstick.

Joee would NOT chew on Max's keys while wearing a princess crown. She did NOT look like some sort of door knocker!

Joee does NOT look super cute in pigtails, this was NOT the first picture I took in June!

In conclusion, June was a wonderful month for Max, Joee, and I. We actually have friends that we see . We have been running ALOT prepareing for the USMC Mud Run in Septmeber. While I havent seen the fruits of these labors weigh wise yet, I have seen it in my endurance! I can't wait to go! Joee has grown SO much this last month, She is cruising around and crawling so fast! She has learned to wave bye bye and is starting to clap. She's also been barking at the dogs so cute!! Can't wait to see what July has to offer! Maybe a new job! :)